Phases Program
After experiencing trauma, a natural disaster, hardship, or struggle, you may ask, “How do I start again?” or “What do I do next?” Start with us, and we will help you with the next steps. Although an assessment is necessary to determine your needs and how we can help, you can enter into our programming at Phase I, II, or III. Please review each phase below. How can we serve you?
Serene Wholeness
Phase I
After experiencing trauma, hardships, or struggles, it’s important to establish personal stability. With the help of organizations, agencies, and other businesses, we access the following.
Personal Needs and Goals
Family Services
Community Services
Community Assignment
After reviewing these needs and your goals, we provide a suggested path.
Gettin’ in Touch
Phase II
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After you feel secure in your personal stability needs, our next goal is to help you address what you have faced. In this phase, we provide low-cost and individualized specialty sessions to shift your mindset to hope. Expect to find the following within this phase.
Some Free Classes
Community Group Classes
Listening Sessions
Licensed Professional Assistance
Well Done
Phase III
Congratulations! You have made it through Phases I and II. In Phase III, we want to help you establish or maintain financial stability. Depending on your individual goals or needs, it can appear as follows.
Job Assistance
Business Startup
Virtual Assistance
Business Services including billing, bookkeeping, email marketing, establishing an address with our mailbox services, etc.